First Moravian Church of Riverside
“In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love.”

Our Mission
Keeping with the Moravian spirit of mission, members of our congregation have gone to serve in other parts of the world and within the USA. Following disasters, members have served in Mississippi, Indiana and the Jersey Shore. Some of us have traveled to Labrador, Honduras and other mission fields. For the past 20 year, we have hosted a community wide Vacation Bible School. The VBS program we use always suggests a mission project. This year we collected money to send to Haiti to help purchase seeds to rebuild farming communities. Our congregation has adopted a village in Tanzania called Mlogolo, specifically to provide care for children who are orphaned by AIDS or other disasters. Sponsoring a child for $25 a year, provides the child with food, bedding, school uniforms, school supplies and basic medical care.
Along with our weekly worship services, we host a variety of outreach programs: such as Narcotics Anonymous, Girl Scouts, Hospitality Breakfast, the Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry, blood drives and Riverside School events, as well as gathering Christmas presents and School Supplies for local children. Hahle Hall, our multipurpose building, is used on a regular basis and is available for family gatherings, showers and birthday parties. It is handicap accessible and has a full kitchen. To reserve use of the space, please call 856-461-0132 or 856-416-6425. Our facility is available for family gatherings, showers, birthday parties. We currently share our sanctuary and Hahle Hall with our brothers and sisters of an Assembly of God. Congregation. Through their support, we have been able to update our sanctuary and sound systems. We are currently working on renovating our Youth Spaces--including a nursery for young children to fellowship during worship.
In the 16th century, Moravians became a pilgrim people, on the move, seeking those places where its unique expressions of a simple community of faith could be practiced freely, never losing sight of their potential to once again bear fruit as a hidden seed for establishing God's Kingdom. Eventually, Moravians launched themselves outward, first into Europe, then beyond, across the world as the first organized Protestant mission movement. The Moravian Church continues in that spirit. It is our very reason for being a church.
To find out more about Moravian mission efforts worldwide, go to