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First Moravian Church of Riverside
“In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, love.”
The Rev. Rebecca Sisley
Our congregation comes together before God under the leadership of The Rev. Rebecca Sisley. A 2013 graduate of Moravian Theological Seminary in Bethlehem PA, Pastor Rebecca is passionate about bringing people together to understand how faith and every day life intersect. Through Bible Studies, leading Sunday School Classes, connecting with other local churches and community mission development, Pastor Rebecca finds joy in empowering people to figure out what God is calling them to in their lives. Pastor Rebecca has a BA in Theatre Performance from Lycoming College in Williamsport PA. Outside the church, Rebecca enjoys performing on stage and working on costumes with local theatres, spending time with her daughters and husband, watching movies, and spending time at Ocean City New Jersey. A passionate speaker, a beacon of knowledge and a spiritual guide — we’re proud to call Pastor Rebecca our leader and a great example for all of our members.

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